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 Das Weltkulturerbe & der Kulturschock im Jahre 2025​​​​​


Welcome in Atomic Age

Welcome to my various Homepages!


The German-language document you may find here!

Dear Readers, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Rules,

At the beginning of the year in 2018  my person wants to hand over a violent blow in this, our broken societies*  and unfair age, what is and remains the aspiration of my person and of course that in the truest sense of the word, whereby the right ones and not the wrong should be struck by the requested "invisible Cudgel"!

Additional information in the matter and commission of our all Lord and Creator you may find e. g. here:

One of my Homepages is: https://imperialis.eu

Willkommen im Atomzeitalter

Checked* 24th of Nov. 2018

In the Nuclear Age 2018/ 2019/ 2021

Ursula Sabisch, Germany

To all Satellite Stations

Worldwide / CC

Luebeck, 28 December 2017

Free English translation on 9 October 2021.

The German-language document you may find here!


Dear Sirs,

As has been made public on the internet, cowardly airstrikes are involuntarily killing people, mostly even children, by the bombs, just like when the Huhti rebels throw a bomb into the crowd!

What is the difference between the airstrikes and the attacks of the Shiite rebels?

Will you please finally start thinking and reconsidering what is causing young people to go senselessly to their deaths!?

Who and what makes it possible for people to be seriously injured or killed en masse, although these people have not done anything to you or the rebels?

Answer: It is the arms industry of the rich nations and it is the worldwide import-export arms trade and the entire billion-dollar arms industry that is currently affecting the poor country of Yemen and the people in Yemen.

The end is now with the armament, the end is now with the production and supply of weapons and the end is now with the supply of wars through ammunition!

The end is now for all involved!

This is the only way to conquer the "devil" and to catch him and not by sending innocent people to their deaths with the same indiscriminate hatred!

With united forces, everything can be moved and achieved, but no state on earth may step out of line!

This means: All existing weapons and explosive devices as well as all war material will have to be handed over to well-guarded and absolutely securely locked collection points of every country worldwide or will have to be confiscated and may only be available in case of emergency.

The emergency occurs when mankind is threatened by alien beings or by meteorites, for only then does man have the right and the duty to protect and defend himself with all possible means.

Think carefully, all of you, especially those who are sitting on a powder keg and have not even noticed it!

All arms trade and industry must be stopped immediately and instead there must be a worldwide "conversion" to the bicycle and thus to the bicycle trade, as the environment is already fighting back by recognisably multiplying disasters and will be the next threat to humanity!

Be wise and act with sense and reason in the future, you and your kind!

With kind regards

Ursula Sabisch

